Paint to the best of our abilities

A good paint job relies on good prep work. Anyone can simply apply a coat of paint and have it immediately look great. But if it was not prepped correctly, that job will not last and end up causing you more money to get it done again and again. It is what you don’t see that determines your home's long-term health and beauty (aka preparation). The criteria we follow for prep creates a clean, strong, and durable surface that will allow maximum adhesion for the painting products.

Make no impact on others

Our business is a messy one and is full of harmful products. We go above, and many would say beyond, our basic duty to ensure that proper use and disposal of all our hazardous products are carried out to the height of responsibility.

Handing out free work like candy at a Lentil Festival parade

Our success—and much of the fun—lies in fostering relationships and doing what is right to help. A little extra unforeseen work won’t cost you extra money. It’s just doing what is right on our end. Nickel and diming is an excellent way to raise blood pressure—and we stay healthy by eliminating such nuisances. And suppose a legitimate situation surfaces, that merits discussing adjustments to the contract. In that case, we will be upfront and explain the situation.

My family — The Sotkiewicz’s

The most famous member is FirstTiger Winston Sotkiewicz, a 4-year-old golden retriever. If you allow it, you’ll even see him on the job site! He is quiet, and friendly, but takes too many paid breaks.

Another popular face is Marlee Sotkiewicz. The smallest of the family! She is the reason for getting up in the morning.

Then there is our de facto director of style, design-aficionado, the one, the only, my wife… Nicole Sotkiewicz! She has her own career as an Assistant Director for Pullman Regional Hospital. But she’ll eagerly put in her two cents (worth two dollars, though) on color combinations if you request it.

Finally, me, Joseph Sotkiewicz, owner/operator/employee of the month of Paintagonia. I have two degrees from Washington State University, but I love working with my hands and being my own boss. Would be happy to tell you more about me when we meet to discuss your home.